BaselineXmlReportWriter [Beta]

This feature is still experimental, and may change in the future…


The class (type=”baseline”) produces an XML “baseline” report of the CodeNarc results. This is used in conjunction with the “excludeBaseline” property of the CodeNarc Ant Task to filter out (exclude) a set of baseline violations from subsequent CodeNarc executions.

Excluding baseline violations can be useful when running CodeNarc against an existing (legacy) codebase, when it is not practical to address a large number of existing rule violations. Establish a baseline violations file, and then use that so that CodeNarc results show only new violations.

The steps to initialize and then exclude the baseline violations are:

  1. Generate the baseline violations file. See Example 1: How to Generate the Baseline Violations File.

    By default, this will create a “CodeNarcBaselineViolations.xml” file within the current directory, but you can configure that file name/path using the outputFile option of this ReportWriter.

    Note: Be sure to remove the baseline report (\*report type="baseline"\*) after you have generated the baseline report file. Otherwise you will overwrite that file the next time you run CodeNarc!

  2. Update your CodeNarc Ant Task configuration to specify the “excludeBaseline” property. See Example 2: How to Use the Baseline Violations File.

Option Nested Elements

The option element is a child of the report element and defines a report-specific option for a report. (type=”baseline”) supports the following options:

Attribute Description Default
outputFile The path and filename for the output report file. Value of defaultOutputFile
defaultOutputFile The path and filename for the output report file if outputFile is not specified. “CodeNarcBaselineViolations.xml”
title The title for the output report.  
writeToStandardOut Set to true to write out the report to stdout (System.out) instead of writing to a file. false

Example 1: How to Generate the Baseline Violations File

Here is an example Ant XML build file illustrating configuration of to generate a baseline violations file. Note that the report type is specified as “baseline”.

    <taskdef name="codenarc" classname="org.codenarc.ant.CodeNarcTask"/>
    <target name="runCodeNarc">
        <codenarc ruleSetFiles="rulesets/basic.xml">
            <report type="baseline">
                <option name="title" value="My Sample Code" />
            <fileset dir="src">
                <include name="**/*.groovy"/>

Example 2: How to Use the Baseline Violations File

Here is an example Ant XML build file illustrating configuration of the “excludeBaseline” property. to use the baseline violations file. This will filter out (exclude) a set of baseline violations from subsequent CodeNarc executions. Note that the type=”baseline” report was removed.

    <taskdef name="codenarc" classname="org.codenarc.ant.CodeNarcTask"/>
    <target name="runCodeNarc">
        <codenarc ruleSetFiles="rulesets/basic.xml" excludeBaseline="CodeNarcBaselineViolations.xml">
            <report type="ide">
                <option name="title" value="My Sample Code" />
            <fileset dir="src">
                <include name="**/*.groovy"/>