class (type=”html”) produces an HTML report
containing a table with summary results by package and a separate section for
each package containing violations, and then a table of the rules applied, along
with their descriptions.
See a Sample Report.
Alternatively, see the mrhaki blog post about creating custom CodeNarc HTML reports using XSLT.
The option element is a child of the report element and defines a report-specific option for a report.
supports the following options:
Attribute | Description | Default |
maxPriority | The maximum priority level for violations in the report. For instance, setting maxPriority to 2 will result in the report containing only priority 1 and 2 violations (and omitting violations with priority 3). | 3 |
outputFile | The path and filename for the output report file. | “CodeNarcReport.html” |
title | The title for the output report. | |
writeToStandardOut | Set to true to write out the report to stdout (System.out ) instead of writing to a file. |
false |
includeSummaryByPackage | Set to false to exclude the violation summary for each package within the “Summary” section of the report. It defaults to true . |
true |
includeRuleDescriptions | Set to false to exclude the rule descriptions section of the report. It defaults to true . |
true |
Here is an example Ant XML build file illustrating configuration of
. Note that the report type is specified as “html”.
<taskdef name="codenarc" classname="org.codenarc.ant.CodeNarcTask"/>
<target name="runCodeNarc">
<report type="html">
<option name="outputFile" value="reports/CodeNarcAntReport.html" />
<option name="title" value="My Sample Code" />
<fileset dir="src">
<include name="**/*.groovy"/>