

The org.codenarc.report.JsonReportWriter class (type=”json”) produces an JSON report of the CodeNarc results.

Option Nested Elements

The option element is a child of the report element and defines a report-specific option for a report.

org.codenarc.report.JsonReportWriter supports the following options:

Attribute Description Default
outputFile The path and filename for the output report file. Value of defaultOutputFile
defaultOutputFile The path and filename for the output report file if outputFile is not specified. “CodeNarcJsonReport.json”
title The title for the output report.  
writeToStandardOut Set to true to write out the report to stdout (System.out) instead of writing to a file. false
writeAsSingleLine Set to true to provide output json in a single line, for easier parsing false


Here is an example Ant XML build file illustrating configuration of org.codenarc.report.JsonReportWriter. Note that the report type is specified as “json”.

    <taskdef name="codenarc" classname="org.codenarc.ant.CodeNarcTask"/>
    <target name="runCodeNarc">
            <report type="json">
                <option name="outputFile" value="reports/CodeNarcJsonReport.json" />
                <option name="title" value="My Sample Code" />
            <fileset dir="src">
                <include name="**/*.groovy"/>

Example output

    "codeNarc": {
        "url": "https://codenarc.org",
        "version": "1.5"
    "report": {
        "timestamp": "Jan 1, 2010 4:51:12 PM"
    "project": {
        "title": "My Cool Project",
        "sourceDirectories": [
    "summary": {
        "totalFiles": 6,
        "filesWithViolations": 3,
        "priority1": 2,
        "priority2": 2,
        "priority3": 3
    "packages": [
            "path": "src/main",
            "totalFiles": 3,
            "filesWithViolations": 3,
            "priority1": 2,
            "priority2": 2,
            "priority3": 3,
            "files": [
                    "name": "MyAction.groovy",
                    "violations": [
                            "ruleName": "RULE1",
                            "priority": 1,
                            "lineNumber": 111,
                            "sourceLine": "if (count < 23 && index <= 99 && name.contains('\u0000')) {"
                            "ruleName": "RULE3",
                            "priority": 3,
                            "lineNumber": 333,
                            "sourceLine": "throw new Exception(\"cdata=<![CDATA[whatever]]>\") // Some very long message 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
                            "message": "Other info"
                            "ruleName": "RULE3",
                            "priority": 3,
                            "lineNumber": 333,
                            "sourceLine": "throw new Exception(\"cdata=<![CDATA[whatever]]>\") // Some very long message 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
                            "message": "Other info"
                            "ruleName": "RULE1",
                            "priority": 1,
                            "lineNumber": 111,
                            "sourceLine": "if (count < 23 && index <= 99 && name.contains('\u0000')) {"
                            "ruleName": "RULE2",
                            "priority": 2,
                            "lineNumber": 222,
                            "message": "bad stuff: !@#$%^&*()_+<>"
            "path": "src/main/dao",
            "totalFiles": 2,
            "filesWithViolations": 2,
            "priority1": 0,
            "priority2": 1,
            "priority3": 1,
            "files": [
                    "name": "MyDao.groovy",
                    "violations": [
                            "ruleName": "RULE3",
                            "priority": 3,
                            "lineNumber": 333,
                            "sourceLine": "throw new Exception(\"cdata=<![CDATA[whatever]]>\") // Some very long message 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
                            "message": "Other info"
                    "name": "MyOtherDao.groovy",
                    "violations": [
                            "ruleName": "RULE2",
                            "priority": 2,
                            "lineNumber": 222,
                            "message": "bad stuff: !@#$%^&*()_+<>"
            "path": "src/test",
            "totalFiles": 3,
            "filesWithViolations": 0,
            "priority1": 0,
            "priority2": 0,
            "priority3": 0,
            "files": [
    "rules": [
            "name": "DuplicateImport",
            "description": "Custom: Duplicate imports"
            "name": "UnnecessaryBooleanInstantiation",
            "description": "Use Boolean.valueOf() for variable values or Boolean.TRUE and Boolean.FALSE for constant values instead of calling the Boolean() constructor directly or calling Boolean.valueOf(true) or Boolean.valueOf(false)."