Since CodeNarc 0.14
Checks for abstract
classes that define a public
constructor, which is useless and confusing.
The following code produces a violation:
abstract class MyClass {
MyClass() { }
Since CodeNarc 0.12
The abstract class does not contain any abstract methods. An abstract class suggests an incomplete implementation, which is to be completed by subclasses implementing the abstract methods. If the class is intended to be used as a base class only (not to be instantiated directly) a protected constructor can be provided prevent direct instantiation.
public abstract class MyBaseClass {
void method1() { }
void method2() { }
// consider using abstract methods or removing
// the abstract modifier and adding protected constructors
The following examples all pass:
abstract class MyClass extends AbstractParent {
// OK because parent is named Abstract.*
abstract class MyClass extends BaseParent{
// OK because parent is named Base.*
This rule has a single enhancedMode
property which defaults to false
. When set to true
, this rule
will run in enhanced mode and will not produce a violation when an
abstract class extends an abstract superclass.
Since CodeNarc 0.24
Checks for assignment to a static field from an instance method.
Influenced by the AssignmentToNonFinalStatic rule from PMD, and the ST_WRITE_TO_STATIC_FROM_INSTANCE_METHOD rule from FindBugs.
Example of violations:
class MyClass {
private static field1
protected static String field2 = 'abc'
public static int field3 = 123
static String property1 = 'abc'
private static final NAME = 'joe'
private void doStuff() {
field1 = new Object() // violation
field2 = 'xxx' // violation
field3 = 999 // violation
property1 = 'xxx' // violation
final NAME = 'martin' // no violation; local var hides static field
Since CodeNarc 0.11
Checks for a method with Boolean
return type that returns an explicit null
. A method that
returns either Boolean.TRUE
, Boolean.FALSE
or null
is an accident waiting to happen.
This method can be invoked as though it returned a value of type boolean
, and the compiler will
insert automatic unboxing of the Boolean
value. If a null
value is returned, this will
result in a NullPointerException
Since CodeNarc 0.16
A builder method is defined as one that creates objects. As such, they should never be of void return type. If a method is named build, create, or make, then it should always return a value.
This rule has one property: methodNameRegex
. The default value is (make.|create.|build.*). Update this property
if you have some other naming convention for your builder methods.
Example of violations:
class MyClass {
void make() { /* ... */ }
void makeSomething() { /* ... */ }
void create() { /* ... */ }
void createSomething() { /* ... */ }
void build() { /* ... */ }
void buildSomething() { /* ... */ }
Checks for classes that implement the java.lang.Cloneable
interface without implementing
the clone()
Here is an example of code that produces a violation:
class BadClass implements Cloneable {
def someMethod()
Since CodeNarc 0.12
If a class defines a void close()
method then that class should implement
This rule has a single enhancedMode
property which defaults to false
. When set to true
, this rule
will run in enhanced mode and will not produce a violation when a class
implements close
and extends a class that itself implements Closeable
Since CodeNarc 0.12
If you implement a compareTo method then you should also implement the Comparable
interface. If you
don’t then you could possibly get an exception if the Groovy == operator is invoked on your object.
This is an issue fixed in Groovy 1.8 but present in previous versions.
This rule has a single enhancedMode
property which defaults to false
. When set to true
, this rule
will run in enhanced mode and will not produce a violation when a class
implements compareTo
and extends a class that itself implements Comparable
Here is an example of code that produces a violation:
class BadClass {
int compareTo(Object o) { ... }
Known limitations:
, or if it implements an interface that extends Comparable
. In those cases, this
rule produces a false violation.Since CodeNarc 0.12
An interface should be used only to model a behaviour of a class: using an interface as a container of constants is a poor usage pattern. Example:
public interface ConstantsInterface {
public static final int CONSTANT_1 = 0
public static final String CONSTANT_2 = "1"
Since CodeNarc 0.12
An empty method in an abstract class should be abstract instead, as developer may rely on this empty implementation rather than code the appropriate one.
abstract class MyClass {
def couldBeAbstract_1() {
return null // Should be abstract method
void couldBeAbstract_2() {
// Should be abstract method
Since CodeNarc 0.12
This rule finds classes marked final that contain protected
members. If a class is final
then it may not be
subclassed, and there is therefore no point in having a member with protected
visibility. Either the class should
not be final
or the member should be private or protected.
Checks for use of the following concrete classes when specifying the type of a method parameter, closure parameter, constructor parameter, method return type or field type. The corresponding interfaces should be used to specify the type instead.
Here are examples of code that produces violations:
// Method parameter
void myMethod(ArrayList list) { // violation
// Constructor parameter
class MyClass {
MyClass(java.util.HashSet set) { // violation
// Closure parameter
def closure = { PriorityQueue queue -> ... } // violation
// Method return type
GregorianCalendar calculateDate(int num) { // violation
// Field type
class MyClass {
Hashtable map // violation
Since CodeNarc 0.22
Checks for use of the instanceof
operator. Prefer using polymorphism instead.
Use the ignoreTypeNames
property to configure ignored type names (the class name specified as the
right-hand expression of the instanceof
). It defaults to ignoring instanceof
checks against exception classes.
Here are a couple references that discuss the problems with using instanceof
and the preference
for using polymorphism instead:
By default, the rule does not analyze test files. This rule sets the default value of the doNotApplyToFilesMatching property to ignore file names ending in ‘Spec.groovy’, ‘Test.groovy’, ‘Tests.groovy’ or ‘TestCase.groovy’.
Property | Description | Default Value |
ignoreTypeNames | Specifies one or more (comma-separated) class names that should be ignored (i.e., that should not cause a rule violation). The names may optionally contain wildcards (*,?). | “*Exception” |
Example of violations:
class MyClass {
boolean isRunnable = this instanceof Runnable // violation
Since CodeNarc 0.20
Checks for calls to Locale.setDefault()
, or Locale.default = Xxx
, which sets the Locale
across the entire JVM. That can impact other applications on the same web server, for instance.
From the java.util.Locale javadoc for setDefault
Since changing the default locale may affect many different areas of functionality, this method
should only be used if the caller is prepared to reinitialize locale-sensitive code running within
the same Java Virtual Machine.
Example of violations:
Locale.setDefault(Locale.UK) // violation
java.util.Locale.setDefault(Locale.FRANCE) // violation
Locale.setDefault(Locale.Category.DISPLAY, Locale.JAPAN) // violation
Locale.default = Locale.UK // violation
Since CodeNarc 0.23
Reports classes with nested for loops.
Example of violations:
for (int i = 0; i * 100; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j * 100; ++j) { // violation
println i + j
for (int i = 0; i * 100; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j * 100; ++j) { // violation
println i + j
for (int j = 0; j * 100; ++j) { // violation
println i + j
for (int i = 0; i * 100; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j * 100; ++j) { // violation
for (int k = 0; k * 100; ++k) { // violation
println i + j + k
Since CodeNarc 2.0.0
Do not declare a method return type of Optional<List>
(or Collection
, ArrayList
, Set
, Map
, HashMap
, etc.). Return an empty collection instead. See The Java Optional class: 11 more recipes for preventing null pointer exceptions.
This rule checks for Optional<collection-type>
return types, where collection-type is one of these common collection interfaces or implementation classes:
(and ArrayList
, LinkedList
(and HashSet
, LinkedHashSet
, EnumSet
(and TreeSet
(and HashMap
, LinkedHashMap
, EnumMap
(and TreeMap
)Example of violations:
class MyClass {
Optional<Collection<Object>> getCollection() { } // violation
private Optional<List> getList() { } // violation
Optional<ArrayList<String>> getArrayList() { } // violation
protected Optional<Set<BigDecimal>> getSet() { } // violation
Optional<HashSet<Boolean>> getHashSet() { } // violation
Optional<Map<Integer, String>> getMap() { } // violation
Optional<TreeMap<String, String>> getTreeMap() { } // violation
Since CodeNarc 2.0.0
Do not use an Optional
as a field type. See The Java Optional class: 11 more recipes for preventing null pointer exceptions.
Example of violations:
class MyClass {
Optional<Integer> count; // violation
public String name;
public Optional<String> alias = Optional.of("x") // violation
protected static Optional<Object> lock // violation
Since CodeNarc 2.0.0
Do not use an Optional
as a parameter type for a method or constructor. See The Java Optional class: 11 more recipes for preventing null pointer exceptions.
Example of violations:
class MyClass {
protected MyClass(Optional<Integer> count) { } // violation
MyClass(Optional<String> name, Optional<Integer> sum) { } // 2 violations
private MyClass(Optional something) { } // violation
void doStuff(Optional<Integer> count) { } // violation
public String getName() { return 'abc' }
int count(Optional<String> alias, Optional<Integer> total) { } // 2 violations
private doSomething(Optional something) { } // violation
Since CodeNarc 0.17
This rule finds private
fields that are only set within a constructor or field initializer.
Such fields can safely be made final
Property | Description | Default Value |
ignoreFieldNames | Specifies one or more (comma-separated) field names that should be ignored (i.e., that should not cause a rule violation). The names may optionally contain wildcards (*,?). | null |
ignoreJpaEntities | Specifies whether fields defined inside classes annotated with @Entity or @MappedSuperclass JPA annotations should be ignored (i.e., that should not cause a rule violation). | false |
Since CodeNarc 0.14
Using public fields is considered to be a bad design. Use properties instead.
Example of violations:
class Person {
public String name
Since CodeNarc 0.11
If you have a method or closure that returns an array, then when there are no results return a zero-length
(empty) array rather than null
. It is often a better design to return a zero-length array rather than a
reference to indicate that there are no results (i.e., an empty list of results). This way,
no explicit check for null
is needed by clients of the method.
Since CodeNarc 0.11
If you have a method or closure that returns a collection, then when there are no results return a zero-length
(empty) collection rather than null
. It is often a better design to return a zero-length collection
rather than a null
reference to indicate that there are no results (i.e., an empty list of results).
This way, no explicit check for null
is needed by clients of the method.
Since CodeNarc 0.12
Be sure to specify a Locale
when creating a new instance of SimpleDateFormat
; the class is locale-sensitive. If you
instantiate SimpleDateFormat
without a Locale
parameter, it will format the date and time according to the default
. Both the pattern and the Locale
determine the format. For the same pattern, SimpleDateFormat
may format a
date and time differently if the Locale varies.
// violation, missing locale
new SimpleDateFormat('pattern')
// OK, includes locale
new SimpleDateFormat('pattern', Locale.US)
// OK, includes a variable that perhaps is a locale
new SimpleDateFormat('pattern', locale)
Since CodeNarc 0.14
There is no point in creating a stateless Singleton because there is nothing within the class that needs guarding and no side effects to calling the constructor. Just create new instances of the object or write a Utility class with static methods. In the long term, Singletons can cause strong coupling and hard to change systems.
If the class has any fields at all, other than a self reference, then it is not considered stateless. A self reference is a field of the same type as the enclosing type, or a field named instance or _instance. The field name self reference is a property named instanceRegex that defaults to the value ‘instance|_instance’
Example of violations:
class Service {
// violation: the class has no fields but is marked Singleton
void processItem(item){
class Service {
// violation: the class has no fields other than 'instance' but is marked Singleton
static instance
void processItem(item){
class Service { // violation
static Service service
void processItem(item){
Since CodeNarc 0.21
Checks for toString()
methods that return null
. This is unconventional and could
cause unexpected NullPointerExceptions
from normal or implicit use of toString()
Example of violations:
class MyClass {
String toString() {
if (foo()) {
return 'MyClass'
} else {
return null // violation
class MyClass {
String toString() {
null // violation
class MyClass {
String toString() { // violation - implicit return of null