Formatting Rules (“rulesets/formatting.xml”)

BlankLineBeforePackage Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.21

Makes sure there are no blank lines before the package declaration of a source code file.

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

BlockEndsWithBlankLine Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.1

Checks that code blocks such as method bodies, closures and control structure bodies do not end with an empty line.

Example of violations:

    boolean not(boolean value) {
                                // violation

    3.times {
        println 'hello!'
                                // violation

    for (value in []) {
        println value
                                // violation

    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        println i
                                // violation

    int j = 0
    while (j < 3) {
      println j++
                                // violation

    if (ready) {
        println 'ready'
                                // violation
    } else {
        println 'not ready'
                                // violation

    try {
        throw new Exception()
                                // violation
    } catch (Exception e) {
        println 'exception'
                                // violation
    } finally {
        println 'finally'
                                // violation

    switch (true) {
            println 'switch'
                                // violation

    // Known Limitation: If a Closure is within another expression and the closing brace is not followed by anything else on the same line

    def list = [
        { id ->
                                // Known limitation: should be a violation, but is not

BlockStartsWithBlankLine Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.1

Checks that code blocks such as method bodies, closures and control structure bodies do not start with an empty line.

Example of violations:

    boolean not(boolean value) {
                                // violation

    3.times {
                                // violation
        println 'hello!'

    for (value in []) {
                                // violation
        println value

    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                                // violation
        println i

    int j = 0
    while (j < 3) {
                                // violation
      println j++

    if (ready) {
                                // violation
        println 'ready'
    } else {
                                // violation
        println 'not ready'

    try {
                                // violation
        throw new Exception()
    } catch (Exception e) {
                                // violation
        println 'exception'
    } finally {
                                // violation
        println 'finally'

    switch (true) {
                                // violation
            println 'switch'

BracesForClass Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.15

Checks the location of the opening brace ({) for classes. By default, requires them on the same line, but the sameLine property can be set to false to override this.

NOTE: This rule ignores annotation types, e.g. @interface MyAnnotation {}.

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

BracesForForLoop Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.15

Checks the location of the opening brace ({) for for loops. By default, requires them on the same line, but the sameLine property can be set to false to override this.

BracesForIfElse Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.15

Checks the location of the opening brace ({) for if statements. By default, requires them on the same line, but the sameLine property can be set to false to override this.

Property Description Default Value
sameLine If true, then the opening brace ({) for if statement should be on the same line. true
validateElse To enable else checking, set the property to true false
elseOnSameLineAsClosingBrace If true, then the else statement should be on the same line the same as sameLine as closing brace (}) the same as sameline
elseOnSameLineAsOpeningBrace If true, then the else statement should be on the same line the same as sameLine as opening brace ({) the same as sameline

BracesForMethod Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.15

Checks the location of the opening brace ({) for constructors and methods. By default, requires them on the same line, but the sameLine property can be set to false to override this.

BracesForTryCatchFinally Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.15

Checks the location of the opening brace ({) for try statements. By default, requires them on the line, but the sameLine property can be set to false to override this.

ClassEndsWithBlankLine Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.3

Check whether the class ends with a blank line. By default, it enforces that there must be a blank line before the closing class brace, except:

A blank line is defined as any line that does not contain any visible characters.

This rule can be configured with the following properties:

Property Description Default Value
ignoreSingleLineClasses a boolean property to forbid single line classes.If it is false,then single line classes are considered a violation. true
ignoreInnerClasses A boolean property to ignore inner classes. If it is false then inner classes can cause violations. false
blankLineRequired a boolean property to define if there may be a blank line before the closing class brace. If it is false, the last line before the brace must not be blank. Otherwise, it must be blank. true

Example of violations:

If ignoreSingleLineClasses is true and blankLineRequired is true

            class Foo {
                int a

                void hi() {

If ignoreSingleLineClasses is false and blankLineRequired is true

            class Foo extends Bar*String* { }

If ignoreSingleLineClasses is true and blankLineRequired is false

            class Foo {
                int a

                void hi() {


If ignoreSingleLineClasses is false and blankLineRequired is false

            class Foo {
                int a

                void hi() {


ClassStartsWithBlankLine Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.3

Check whether the class starts with a blank line. By default, it enforces that there must be a blank line after the opening class brace, except:

A blank line is defined as any line that does not contain any visible characters.

This rule can be configured with the following properties:

Property Description Default Value
ignoreSingleLineClasses A boolean property to ignore single line classes. If it is false, then single line classes are considered a violation. true
ignoreInnerClasses A boolean property to ignore inner classes. If it is false then inner classes can cause violations. false
blankLineRequired A boolean property to define if there may be a blank line after the opening class brace. If it is false, the first content after the brace must not be a blank line. Otherwise, it must be a blank line. true

Example of violations:

If ignoreSingleLineClasses is true and blankLineRequired is true

            class Foo {
                int a

                void hi() {

If ignoreSingleLineClasses is false and blankLineRequired is true

            class Foo extends Bar*String* { }

If ignoreSingleLineClasses is true and blankLineRequired is false

            class Foo {

                int a

                void hi() {


If ignoreSingleLineClasses is false and blankLineRequired is false

            class Foo {
                int a

                void hi() {


ClosureStatementOnOpeningLineOfMultipleLineClosure Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.20

Checks for closure logic on first line (after ->) for a multi-line closure. That breaks the symmetry of indentation (if the subsequent statements are indented normally), and that first statement can be easily missed when reading the code.

Example of violations:

    def closure = { name -> println name
        println “done” }

ConsecutiveBlankLines Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.21

Makes sure there are no consecutive lines that are either blank or whitespace only. This reduces the need to scroll further than necessary when reading code, and increases the likelihood that a logical block of code will fit on one screen for easier comprehension.

Known Limitations:

Example of violation:

    def name

    def value

    def id

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

FileEndsWithoutNewline Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.21

Makes sure each source file ends with a newline character.

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

Indentation Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.1

Check the indentation (spaces only; not tabs) for class, field and method declarations, and statements.

This rule is limited, and somewhat opinionated. The default is 4 spaces per indentation level.

Property Description Default Value
spacesPerIndentLevel The number of spaces that make up a single level of indentation. 4

Known Limitations include:

Example of violations:

// Indent Levels:

class MyClass {                                 // CORRECT
    protected int count                         // CORRECT
  private static final NAME = "Joe"             // violation
           def max, min                         // violation on "max" only

 private String doStuff() {                     // violation
        def internalCounts = [1, 4, 2]          // CORRECT
            id.trim()                           // violation

    private void executeOtherOne() {            // CORRECT
        try {
          executeWithArgs(args)                 // violation
        } catch(Throwable t) {
                       t.printStackTrace()      // violation
        finally {
                closeResources()                // violation

LineLength Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.15

Checks the maximum length for each line of source code. It checks for number of characters, so lines that include tabs may appear longer than the allowed number when viewing the file. The maximum line length can be configured by setting the length property, which defaults to 120.

NOTE: This rule does not support the @SuppressAnnotations annotation or the classname-based rule properties (applyToClassNames, doNotApplyToClassNames) to enable/disable the rule. If you want to specify or restrict where this rule is applied, you must use the file-based rule properties: applyToFileNames, doNotApplyToFileNames, applyToFilesMatching and doNotApplyToFilesMatching.

Property Description Default Value
length The maximum line length allowed. 120
ignoreImportStatements If true, then do not apply this rule to import statements. true
ignorePackageStatements If true, then do not apply this rule to package statements. true
ignoreLineRegex If specified, then ignore lines matching this regular expression. null

MissingBlankLineAfterImports Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.21

Makes sure there is a blank line after the imports of a source code file.

Example of violation:

    import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
    class MyClass { }                       // violation

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

MissingBlankLineAfterPackage Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.21

Makes sure there is a blank line after the package statement of a source code file.

Example of violation:

  package org.codenarc
  import java.util.Date                     // violation

  class MyClass {
      void go() { /* ... */ }

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.


Since CodeNarc 2.1

Checks that there is a blank line before a field declaration that uses annotations.

Ignore field declarations where:

Examples of violations:

    class MyClass {
        // No violations for field declarations preceded by a comment
        AutoCloseable stream
        String publicField                  // violation
        String packageScopedField

SpaceAfterMethodDeclarationName Rule

Since CodeNarc 2.1

Check whether method declarations do not contain unnecessary whitespace between method name and the opening parenthesis for parameter list.

Examples of violations:

    class ClassWithWhitespaceInConstructorDeclaration {
        ClassWithWhitespaceInConstructorDeclaration () { //violation
        void methodWithWhitespaceInDeclaration () { //violation

SpaceAfterMethodCallName Rule

Since CodeNarc 2.1

Checks that there is no whitespace after the method name when a method call contains parenthesis.

Examples of violations:

    aMethod ("arg")         // violation
    throw new Exception ()  // violation

SpaceAfterCatch Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.18

Check that there is exactly one space (blank) after the catch keyword and before the opening parenthesis.

Examples of violations:

    try { } catch(Exception e) { }          // violation
    try { } catch  (Exception e) { }        // violation

SpaceAfterComma Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.18

Checks that there is at least one space or whitespace following each comma. That includes checks for method and closure declaration parameter lists, method call parameter lists, Map literals and List literals.

Known limitations:

Examples of violations:

    def value = calculate(1,399, 'abc')         // violation on parameter 399

    def method1(int a,String b) { }             // violation on parameter b

    def closure1 = { int a,String b -> }        // violation on parameter b

    def list1 = [a,b, c]                        // violation on list element b

    def map1 = [a:1,b:2, c:3]                   // violation on map element b:2

SpaceAfterClosingBrace Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.18

Check that there is at least one space (blank) or whitespace after each closing brace (“{”) for method/class/interface declarations, closure expressions and block statements.

A closure expression followed by a dot operator (.), a comma, an opening parenthesis, a closing parenthesis, an opening square brace, a closing square brace (]), the spread-dot operator (*.), a semicolon or the null-safe operator (?.) does not cause a violation.

Property Description Default Value
checkClosureMapEntryValue DEPRECATED. Ignored. true

Known limitations:

Examples of violations and exceptions:

    if (ready) { return 9 }else { }             // violation
    try { doStuff() }finally { }                // violation

    def matching = list.find { it.isReady() }.filter()  // no violation for dot operator
    assert list.every { it.isReady() }, "Error"         // no violation for comma
    def m = [a:123, b:{ println 7 },c:99]               // no violation for comma
    closures.find { c -> c }()                          // no violation for opening parenthesis
    processItems( { it.isReady() })          // no violation for closing parenthesis
    maps.find { m -> m[index] }[index]                  // no violation for opening square bracket
    processItems([{ named("a") }, { named("b")}])       // no violation for closing square bracket
    def names = records.findAll { it.age > 1 }*.name    // no violation for spread operator
    list?.collect { it?.type }?.join(',')               // no violation for null-safe operator

SpaceAfterFor Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.18

Check that there is exactly one space (blank) after the for keyword and before the opening parenthesis.

Examples of violations:

    for(name in names) { }                  // violation
    for  (int i=0; i < 10; i++) { }         // violation

SpaceAfterIf Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.18

Check that there is exactly one space (blank) after the if keyword and before the opening parenthesis.

Examples of violations:

    if(true) { }                            // violation
    if  (true) { }                          // violation

SpaceAfterNotOperator Rule

Since CodeNarc 2.1

Check that there are no whitespace characters directly after the not (!) operator.

Examples of violations:

    def negatedValue = ! value //violation
    if (! items.empty()) { println "not empty" } //violataion

SpaceAfterOpeningBrace Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.18

Check that there is at least one space (blank) or whitespace after each opening brace (“{”) for method/class/interface declarations, closure expressions and block statements.

Property Description Default Value
checkClosureMapEntryValue If false, then do not check for whitespace after opening braces for closure expressions that are literal Map values, e.g. [abc:\{doStuff()\}]. true
ignoreEmptyBlock If true, then allow for \{\} in code false

Examples of violations:

    class MyClass{int count }                   // violation

    interface MyInterface {static final OK = 1 }// violation

    enum MyEnum {OK, BAD }                      // violation

    def myMethod() {int count }                 // violation

    if (ready) {println 9 }                     // violation

    if (ready) {
    } else {println 99}                         // violation

    for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {println i }       // violation

    for (String name in names) {println name }  // violation

    for (String name: names) {println name }    // violation

    while (ready) {println time }               // violation

    try {doStuff()                              // violation
    } catch(Exception e) {x=77 }                // violation
    } finally {println 'error' }                // violation

    list.each {name -> }                        // violation

    shouldFail(Exception) {doStuff() }          // violation

SpaceAfterSemicolon Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.18

Check that there is at least one space (blank) or whitespace following a semicolon that separates:

Examples of violations:

    def myMethod() {
        println 1;println 2                         // violation
        def closure = { x -> doStuff();x = 23; }    // violation

        for (int i=0;i < 10;i++) {                  // violations (2)
            for (int j=0; j < 10;j++) { }           // violation

SpaceAfterSwitch Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.18

Check that there is exactly one space (blank) after the switch keyword and before the opening parenthesis.

Examples of violations:

    switch(x) {                                 // violation
        case 1: println 'one'
    switch  (x) {                               // violation
        case 1: println 'one'

SpaceAfterWhile Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.18

Check that there is exactly one space (blank) after the while keyword and before the opening parenthesis.

Examples of violations:

    while(true) { }             // violation
    while  (true) { }           // violation

SpaceAroundClosureArrow Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.19

Checks that there is at least one space (blank) or whitespace around each closure arrow (->) symbol.

Known limitations:

Example of violations:

    def closure1 = {->}                             // violation
    def closure2 = { ->}                            // violation
    def closure3 = {-> }                            // violation
    def closure4 = { count-> println 123 }          // violation
    def closure5 = { count, name ->println 123 }    // violation

SpaceAroundMapEntryColon Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.20

Check for proper formatting of whitespace around colons for literal Map entries. By default, no whitespace is allowed either before or after the Map entry colon, but you can change that through the configuration properties below.

Does not check spread map operator, e.g. def binding = [*: map]

Property Description Default Value
characterBeforeColonRegex The regular expression that must match the character before the colon (:) for a literal Map entry. For example, /\S/ matches any non-whitespace character and /\s/ matches any whitespace character (thus requiring a space or whitespace). /\S/ (i.e., no space allowed before the colon)
characterAfterColonRegex The regular expression that must match the character after the colon (:) for a literal Map entry. For example, /\S/ matches any non-whitespace character and /\s/ matches any whitespace character (thus requiring a space or whitespace). /\S/ (i.e., no space allowed after the colon)

Example of violations:

    Map m1 = [myKey : 12345]            // violation (both before and after the colon)
    println [a :[1:11, 2:22],           // violation on a (before colon)
                b:[(Integer): 33]]      // violation on Integer (after colon)

SpaceAroundOperator Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.18

Check that there is at least one space (blank) or whitespace around each binary operator, including:

Do not check dot (‘.’) operator. Do not check unary operators (!, +, -, ++, –, ?.). Do not check array (‘[’) operator.

Property Description Default Value
ignoreParameterDefaultValueAssignments If true, then do not check for whitespace around the ‘=’ operator within method/constructor default parameter assignments. true

Known limitations:

Examples of violations:

    def myMethod() {
        3+ 5-x*23/ 100              // violation
        list \*\*123                // violation
        other\*\* writer            // violation
        x=99                        // violation
        x&& y                       // violation
        x ||y                       // violation
        x &y                        // violation
        x| y                        // violation
        [1,2]as String              // violation

SpaceBeforeClosingBrace Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.18

Check that there is at least one space (blank) or whitespace before each closing brace (“}”) for method/class/interface declarations, closure expressions and block statements.

Property Description Default Value
checkClosureMapEntryValue If false, then do not check for whitespace before closing braces for closure expressions that are literal Map values, e.g. [abc:\{doStuff()\}]. true
ignoreEmptyBlock If true, then allow for \{\} in code false

Known limitations:

Examples of violations:

    class MyClass { int count}                  // violation

    interface MyInterface { void doStuff()}     // violation

    enum MyEnum { OK, BAD}                      // violation

    def myMethod() { return 9}                  // violation

    if (ready) { doStuff()}                     // violation

    if (ready) {
    } else { return 9}                          // violation

    for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { println i}       // violation

    for (String name in names) { println name}  // violation

    for (String name: names) { println name}    // violation

    while (ready) { doStuff()}                  // violation

    try { doStuff()}                            // violation
    catch(Exception e) { logError(e)}           // violation
    finally { cleanUp()}                        // violation

    list.each { name -> println name}           // violation

    shouldFail(Exception) { doStuff()}          // violation

SpaceBeforeOpeningBrace Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.18

Check that there is at least one space (blank) or whitespace before each opening brace (“{”) for method/class/interface declarations, closure expressions and block statements.

A closure expression a preceded by an opening parenthesis, an opening square brace ([), or a dollar sign ($) within a GString does not cause a violation.

Property Description Default Value
checkClosureMapEntryValue If false, then do not check for whitespace before opening braces for closure expressions that are literal Map values, e.g. [abc:\{doStuff()\}]. true

Known limitations:

Examples of violations:

    class MyClass{ }                            // violation
    class MyOtherClass extends AbstractClass{ } // violation

    interface MyInterface{ }                    // violation

    enum MyEnum{ OK, BAD }                      // violation

    def myMethod(){ }                           // violation

    if (ready){ }                               // violation

    if (ready) {
    } else{}                                    // violation

    for (int i=0; i<10; i++){ }                 // violation

    for (String name in names){ }               // violation

    for (String name: names){ }                 // violation

    while (ready){ }                            // violation

    } finally { }                               // violation

    try {
    } catch(Exception e){ }                     // violation

    try {
    } finally{ }                                // violation

    list.each{ name -> }                        // violation

    shouldFail(Exception){ doStuff() }          // violation

SpaceInsideParentheses Rule

Since CodeNarc 2.1.0

Check for whitespace after opening parentheses and before closing parentheses

Example of violations:

    if( running) { }                        // violation
    if(running ) { }                        // violation
    if(      x < calculateLastIndex(        // violation
            'name') + 1    ) { }            // violation
    for(    String name: filterNames(       // violation
            names)   ) { }                  // violation

    println( 123 )                          // violations

    println (3 + ( 4 * 7 )+7) + (   5 * 1 ) // violations
    def v =  (y - 7 )*( x + (z - 3))        // violations
    def v2 =  (y - 7 ) *                    // violation
        (x + 
        ( z - 3)                            // violation
    def v3 = calc(a) + calc( a + ( b - 1) * 2) + calc(7)  // violation
    def v4 = (a ) ? (17) : (19 )            // violation
    void doStuff( int n) { }                // violation

TrailingWhitespace Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.21

Checks that no lines of source code end with whitespace characters.

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.