Comments Rules (“rulesets/comments.xml”)

These rules are related to comments.

ClassJavadoc Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.15

Makes sure each class and interface definition is preceded by javadoc. Enum definitions are not checked, due to strange behavior in the Groovy AST. By default, only the main class in a file is checked for Javadoc. The main class is defined as the class that has the same name as the source file, for instance MyClass is the main class in MyClass.groovy but the class MyOtherClass defined in the same source file is not the main class. To check all the classes in the file set the rule property applyToNonMainClasses to true.

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

JavadocConsecutiveEmptyLines Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.3

Checks for javadoc comments with more than one consecutive empty line.

Known limitation: Only the first occurrence of consecutive empty lines within a javadoc comment is found.

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

Example of violations:

     * Description
     *                                                                          // violation
     * @param startIndex - the starting index
     * @return the full count
     * @throws RuntimeException if you are not pure of spirit
     * NOTE: Only the first occurrence of consecutive empty lines
     *       within a javadoc comment is found, so the following
     *       lines are not flagged as violations!!!
    int countThings(int startIndex) { }

JavadocEmptyAuthorTag Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.3

Checks for empty @author tags within javadoc.

Known limitation: Only the first occurrence of an empty @author within a javadoc comment is found.

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

Property Description Default Value
allowMultiline Set to true to allow the tag content (name, description, etc.) to start on the following line. If false, that content must start on the same line as the tag. false

Example of violations:

     * Return the calculated count of some stuff.
     * @param startIndex - the starting index
     * @return the count
     * @author                                             // violation
    int countThings(int startIndex) { }

JavadocEmptyExceptionTag Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.3

Checks for empty @exception tag within javadoc.

Known limitation: Only the first occurrence of an empty @exception within a javadoc comment is found.

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

Property Description Default Value
allowMultiline Set to true to allow the tag content (name, description, etc.) to start on the following line. If false, that content must start on the same line as the tag. false

Example of violations:

     * Return the calculated count of some stuff.
     * @param startIndex - the starting index
     * @return the count
     * @exception                                           // violation
    int countThings(int startIndex) { }

JavadocEmptyFirstLine Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.3

Check for javadoc comments with an empty top line.

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

Example of violations:

     *                                                      // violation
     * Sample class
     * @author Some Developer
    class MyClass {

         *                                                  // violation
         * Return the calculated count of some stuff,
         * starting with the specified startIndex.
         * @param startIndex - the starting index
         * @return the full count
         * @throws RuntimeException when the Singularity occurs
        int countThings(int startIndex) {

JavadocEmptyLastLine Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.3

Check for javadoc comments with an empty line at the bottom.

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

Example of violations:

     * Sample class
     * @author Some Developer
     *                                                      // violation
    class MyClass {

         * Return the calculated count of some stuff,
         * starting with the specified startIndex.
         * @param startIndex - the starting index
         * @return the full count
         * @throws RuntimeException when life finds a way
         *                                                  // violation
        int countThings(int startIndex) {

JavadocEmptyParamTag Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.3

Checks for empty @param tags within javadoc

Known limitation: Only the first occurrence of an empty @param within a javadoc comment is found.

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

Property Description Default Value
allowMultiline Set to true to allow the tag content (name, description, etc.) to start on the following line. If false, that content must start on the same line as the tag. false

Example of violations:

     * Return the calculated count of some stuff.
     * @param                                               // violation
     * @return the full count
     * @throws RuntimeException upon self-reflection
    int countThings(int startIndex) { }

JavadocEmptyReturnTag Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.3

Checks for empty @return tags within javadoc.

Known limitation: Only the first occurrence of an empty @return within a javadoc comment is found.

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

Property Description Default Value
allowMultiline Set to true to allow the tag content (name, description, etc.) to start on the following line. If false, that content must start on the same line as the tag. false

Example of violations:

     * Return the calculated count of some stuff.
     * @param startIndex - the starting index
     * @return                                  // violation
     * @throws RuntimeException if you don't say "please"
    int countThings(int startIndex) { }

JavadocEmptySeeTag Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.3

Checks for empty @see tags within javadoc.

Known limitation: Only the first occurrence of an empty @see within a javadoc comment is found.

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

Property Description Default Value
allowMultiline Set to true to allow the tag content (name, description, etc.) to start on the following line. If false, that content must start on the same line as the tag. false

Example of violations:

     * Sample class
     * @see                                                         // violation
    class MyClass {

         * Return the calculated count of some stuff,
         * starting with the specified startIndex.
         * @param startIndex - the starting index
         * @return the full count
         * @throws RuntimeException when you least expect it
         *     @see                                                 // violation
         * NOTE: Only the first occurrence of an empty @see tag
         *       within a javadoc comment is found, so the
         *       following line is not flagged as a violation!!!
         * @see
        int countThings(int startIndex) { }

         *@see                                                      // violation
        String name = 'joe'

JavadocEmptySinceTag Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.3

Checks for empty @since tags within javadoc.

Known limitation: Only the first occurrence of an empty @since within a javadoc comment is found.

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

Property Description Default Value
allowMultiline Set to true to allow the tag content (name, description, etc.) to start on the following line. If false, that content must start on the same line as the tag. false

Example of violations:

     * Return the calculated count of some stuff.
     * @param startIndex - the starting index
     * @return the count
     * @since                                          // violation
    int countThings(int startIndex) { }

JavadocEmptyThrowsTag Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.3

Checks for empty @throws tag within javadoc.

Known limitation: Only the first occurrence of an empty @throws within a javadoc comment is found.

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

Property Description Default Value
allowMultiline Set to true to allow the tag content (name, description, etc.) to start on the following line. If false, that content must start on the same line as the tag. false

Example of violations:

     * Return the calculated count of some stuff.
     * @param startIndex - the starting index
     * @return the count
     * @throws                                          // violation
    int countThings(int startIndex) { }

JavadocEmptyVersionTag Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.3

Checks for empty @version tags within javadoc.

Known limitation: Only the first occurrence of an empty @version within a javadoc comment is found.

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

Property Description Default Value
allowMultiline Set to true to allow the tag content (name, description, etc.) to start on the following line. If false, that content must start on the same line as the tag. false

Example of violations:

     * Return the calculated count of some stuff.
     * @param startIndex - the starting index
     * @return the count
     * @version                                          // violation

JavadocMissingExceptionDescription Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.4

Checks for missing description within @exception javadoc tags.

Known limitation: Only the first occurrence of a missing description for an @exception javadoc comment is found.

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

Property Description Default Value
allowMultiline Set to true to allow the tag content (name, description, etc.) to start on the following line. If false, that content must start on the same line as the tag. false

Example of violations:

     * Return the calculated count of some stuff.
     * @param startIndex the starting index; must be <= 0
     * @return the full count
     * @exception RuntimeException                   // violation
    int countThings(int startIndex) { }

JavadocMissingParamDescription Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.4

Checks for missing description within Javadoc @param tags.

Known limitation: Only the first occurrence of a missing description for a @param javadoc comment is found

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

Property Description Default Value
allowMultiline Set to true to allow the tag content (name, description, etc.) to start on the following line. If false, that content must start on the same line as the tag. false

Example of violations:

     * Return the calculated count of some stuff.
     * @param startIndex                           // violation
     * @return the full count
     * @throws RuntimeException if it senses fear
    int countThings(int startIndex) { }

JavadocMissingThrowsDescription Rule

Since CodeNarc 1.4

Checks for missing description within Javadoc @throws tags.

Known limitation: Only the first occurrence of a missing description for a @throws javadoc comment is found

NOTE: This is a file-based rule, rather than an AST-based rule, so the applyToClassNames and doNotApplyToClassNames rule configuration properties are not available. See Standard Properties for Configuring Rules.

Property Description Default Value
allowMultiline Set to true to allow the tag content (name, description, etc.) to start on the following line. If false, that content must start on the same line as the tag. false

Example of violations:

     * Return the calculated count of some stuff.
     * @param startIndex the starting index; must be <= 0
     * @return the full count
     * @throws RuntimeException                   // violation
    int countThings(int startIndex) { }

SpaceAfterCommentDelimiter Rule

<Since CodeNarc 3.3.0>

Checks that there is whitespace after comment delimiter (// and /*).


Example of violations:

    /**Bad1                                             // violation
     *Ignored .. not a violation
     *    @author Some Developer
    class MyClass {//Bad4                               // violation
        int countThings(int start) { //some comment     // violation
            //Do stuff                                  // violation
        } //comment                                     // violation
    //Other comment                                     // violation
    /*Single line comment*/                             // violation

SpaceBeforeCommentDelimiter Rule

<Since CodeNarc 3.3.0>

Checks that there is whitespace before comment characters (// and /*)


Example of violations:

    import org.acme.Stuff/**                            // violation
     *    @author Some Developer
    class MyClass {// class comment                     // violation
         *Return the calculated count of some stuff,
        int countThings(int startIndex) {// comment     // violation
            int count = 3 +// first part                // violation
            amount = 3 + amount/*violation*/            // violation
        }//comment                                      // violation
        int count = 3//Other comment                    // violation
        String x = doStuff()/*Single line comment*/     // violation